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Tél : 04 75 05 12 50
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Tél : 04 75 05 12 50

Prices 2022

Karène Rooms
• Single room   78,00 €
• Double bed room 90,00€
• Twin bedded room  92,00 €
• Baby bed
10,00 €
Other services   
• additional person  15,00 €
• breakfast buffet 13,50 €

• accompanied pets 10,00 €
Lodging tax : 0,95 cts €

Mode de règlement :


Warning : the reservation will only be confirmed when our team have contacted you.

Please indicate your name
Please indicate a valide email for your booking.

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HÔTEL KARENE *** - 455 rue du Soleil - 26750 Saint-Paul-Lès-Romans
Tél : 04 75 05 12 50 - Fax : 04 75 05 25 17 -